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  • London: 99 Names of Allah and it's Meanings Weekend Course: Sisters Only

    Past Course Long-Term
    Start: 17/Jan/15 - Finish: 18/Jan/15
    from 10:00AM to 18:00PM
    Venue: Queen Mary University
    Open to Sisters Only

    99 Names of Allah: 

     Unique Weekend Course Covering All the Names of Allah with their Meanings

    The Prophet said: "Allah has ninety-nine names, one hundred less one. Anyone who learns them will enter Jannah. According to another narration: Anyone who memorizes them will enter Jannah." (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

    This is a wonderful opportunity presented for the 1st time learning and understanding the 99 Names of Allah, it's meanings and it's power. These names are so powerful that by memorising them one can enter Jannah. Taught by a teacher of excellent credentials, do not miss this great opportunity!

    Course Materials Provided.

    Teacher: Ustadha Jinan B (Author and Writer at SuhaibWebb.com)

    Date: Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th January 2015

    Time: 10am-6pm

    Venue: London (Full details on website)

    For more info or to enrol, visit: www.alburujpress.com

    * No Refunds accepted on any form of cancellation request 14 days before the event. Tickets which are brought within 14 days of the event are non refundable.*

    This course will be taught by Ustadha Jinan Yousef (USA)
    Venue Address:
    Queen Mary University
    Bancroft Building
    E1 4NS